Students’ Matariki cuisine is featured on 1News

Students from The Culinary Collective were featured on 1News.

Students from The Culinary Collective were featured on 1News preparing a Matariki seven-course meal for the Tohunga Tūmau event, held on 1st July at the Queens Wharf in Auckland.

The event celebrated the Māori New Year and Puanga, featuring an all-star cast of esteemed Māori head chefs and authentic Māori dishes.

Level 3 to 5 hospitality and cookery students from the Culinary Collective travelled to the venue to set tables and plate dishes for over 500 guests.

The students did an exceptional job helping plate 3,000 dishes in total – showcasing their eye for detail and professionalism.

Read the full story on the 1News website.

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